Agri-based Digital Innovations (AGriDI) Project in West Africa

Accelerating inclusive green growth through agri-based digital innovations in Western Africa

Agridi Application

About AGriDI

The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology icipe, received a Euro 4.2 million grant from the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Innovation Fund of the European Union Fund for “Accelerating inclusive green growth through agri-based digital innovations in Western Africa” to be awarded competitively through the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF), to accelerate inclusive green growth through agri-based digital innovation in West Africa. (Visit AGriDI website here)

AGriDI Objectives
  1. To increase uptake of agri-based digital technologies by farmers and SMEs, especially women and youth.
  2. To strengthen linkages between research communities, industry, and policy actors in digital innovations and;
  3. To strengthen policy environment for scaling agri-business digital innovations.
Grant categories

It was awarded under three categories
Category 1- Support co-development and adaptation of digital innovations to enhance agricultural Productivity. (Min. EUR 150,000 and Max. EUR 300,000 per project). This grant will target academic and research institutions to co-develop and adapt digital technologies with end users, especially the private sector, women and youth.

Category 2- Support digital innovative solutions to establish market linkages for farmer’s produce. (Min. EUR 150,000 and Max. EUR 222,500 per project). This grant will target farmer cooperatives in multi-stakeholder partnerships to apply digital solutions to create effective market linkages for their produce.

Category 3- Support development of policies to support digital innovations. (Min. EUR 150,000 and Max. EUR 160,000 per project). This grant will target government officials in ministries, departments, and agencies responsible for ICTs or Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) to work in consultation with farmer cooperatives, agro-processors, civil society, groups, and SMEs.

Target applicants

Universities, research institutes, legally registered small and medium enterprises, farmer cooperatives, private sector corporations, technology hubs, innovation labs, start-ups, Community Based Organizations, Civil Society Organizations, government ministries, departments and agencies

Eligible countries
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo.

Grant Size per project: EUR 150,000 – 300,000

What it intends to achieve

This new grant will enable icipe and its knowledge partners, the Partners are Agropolis Foundation, Gearbox Pan African Network and University Abomey-Calavi, to provide at least 12 competitive sub-awards to eligible applicants in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) region, to support co-development and adaptation of digital technologies with end users, especially the private sector, women and youth, and for the development of policies to stimulate digital innovation. Emphasis is on skills development, entrepreneurship and access to digital technologies.

Contact Persons

Dr Julius Ecuru, Manager Bio-Innovate Africa, icipe
Ms. Shira Mukiibi, Business Development Manager for BioInnovate Africa, icipe
Ms. Cynthia Orangó, Research and Innovations Grants Officer, RCU, icipe


Have you applied for, or planning to apply for the Grants for digital innovations in West Africa? Please complete this short survey  and help us prepare for a timely evaluation of proposals under the various sub-themes of the AGriDI Grants. Deadline is 30 June 2021

Find the call for proposals here

Further enquiries can be sent to
AGriDI Project Manager
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe)
P.O Box, 30772-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
For information and communication on general project matters
For grant related communication and follow ups
Website: AGriDI