Status: Closed
RSIF Institutional Capacity Building Program Grants (RSIF ICBP)

Deadline: 20/01/2020
This grant aims to support RSIF African Host Universities (AHUs) in the development of a conducive environment for University-Industry partnerships. It supports the development of an institutional framework to enhance the innovation ecosystem within the universities thus increasing the investment of private sector in Research and Development projects to encourage commercialization of these innovations.
Eligible applicants: The call is open to the PASET-RSIF African Host Universities and their partners from private sector, business incubators, accelerators, or technology hubs in SSA and International partners with experience in innovation capacity development, including commercialization of knowledge.
Budget: PASET-RSIF will award of up to USD 50,000 per grant for a period of up to 2 years from the time of award. The AHUs and partners are required to provide matching funds for successful implementation of the projects.
To see the existing RSIF ICBP projects click here.
For an overview of our granting process, click here.
Reference Documents for RSIF ICBP Grants
RSIF Research and Innovations Grants Manual 2019– Provides an overview of the compliance requirements for recipients of RSIF Research and Innovation Grants
English | French
RSIF Project Grant Agreement– Provides the contractual terms and conditions for recipients of RSIF Research and Innovation Grants
English | French
RSIF Intellectual Property Manual– This Manual provides guidance on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) provisions applicable in the RSIF program.
English | French
Grants Partners Consortium Agreement (draft)– To be signed by the grant partners collaborating in the implementation of an RSIF awarded Research and Innovation Grant. Outlines the terms and conditions and working modalities for parties involved in the partnership.
Previous Call Documents:
First Call for Proposals- RSIF ICBP Grant
English | French
Proposal Guidelines and Instructions to Applicants
English | French
Full Proposal Budget Template
Work Plan and Result Matrix Template