
PASET Forum Concludes: A Call to Action for Africa’s Skills Revolution

Sakina Kahindi
03 Jun 2024 0

The 6th PASET Forum in Nairobi, Kenya, concluded on a high note, forging a path towards a more skilled and industrialized Africa. Hosted in Kenya, the forum brought together delegates from across the continent, united in a common goal: leveraging Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to fuel Africa’s industrial revolution.

The forum celebrated a decade of PASET’s impressive journey, highlighting its success in creating a generation of PhD scholars tackling Africa’s challenges. However, ambitions stretched beyond past achievements. With 11 member countries already on board, the forum urged even wider participation, calling for more African nations to join this transformative initiative.

While acknowledging the importance of doctoral programs spearheaded by the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (Rsif), discussions emphasized the crucial role of TVET. Building on PASET’s original charter, the focus shifted towards practical skills training that empowers Africa’s future workforce.

The forum also acknowledged the need for sustainable financing to take PASET to the next level. A call for increased resource mobilization from various countries and partners was a key takeaway, emphasizing the importance of shared investment in Africa’s future.

Discussions then pivoted towards harnessing technology for the future. The need for PASET to promote TVET that leverages emerging technologies like AI and data science was highlighted. The forum recognized the importance of preparing Africa’s workforce for the 4th Industrial Revolution, advocating for strategic partnerships and investment in digital training infrastructure to bridge the technological gap.

Cutting-edge topics surrounding the green economy, the future of work, and their implications for African stakeholders dominated the forum. Discussions centered around PASET’s five thematic focus areas, which offered exciting opportunities for research, innovation, and collaboration: Food Security & Agribusiness, Climate Change, Energy & Renewables, and Mining, Minerals & Material Science.

The forum concluded with a powerful message: Africa’s prosperity hinges on investing in its people. The need to train skilled professionals who can conduct research relevant to both public and private sectors was emphasized. This investment in human capital will be the bedrock of a thriving African future.

The 6th PASET Forum was a catalyst for change, igniting a spirit of collaboration and determination, leaving delegates with a shared mission: to build a more skilled, prosperous Africa for generations to come. Now is the time to translate these aspirations into action. Let’s join forces, mobilize resources, and empower Africa’s workforce to usher in a new era of industrialization and innovation.