
The Grants Independent Technical Committee (GITC)

Pauline Achoka
01 Dec 2020 0

To facilitate the implementation of RSIF’s  Research and Innovation Grants component of the program, and to ensure its objectives are met, RSIF established a Grants Independent Technical Committee (GITC). The GITC provides technical advice to the RSIF on the implementation of the grants and other RSIF components as needed. The GITC comprises eminent individuals selected based on their expertise relevant to supporting RSIF to achieve the intended objectives. The committee provides technical support to RSIF on the review, selection and award of research and innovation grants.

The GITC comprises seven (7) members with expertise in the following fields; (a) Engineering sciences, (b) Agriculture and environmental sciences, (c) Social sciences and humanities, (d) ICTs, (e) Higher education representative and (f)two industry/ private sector representatives with experience in innovation and commercialization of knowledge.

View the profiles of RSIF Research and Innovations Grants Independent Technical Committee (GITC) members.